Be Confident enough to know you can do anything you want in life.

what’s my story?
I am an ex-corporate Leader of 15 years (Tech & Media) Certified Coach & Entrepreneur. And I have ridden the extreme highs and lows that come with success.
From a tumultuous and abusive upbringing and being deep in debt at 24. To scaling the corporate ladder, 6 figure salaries, global travel, and financial freedom at 36. All whilst having battled workplace harassment, bullying (3 times by male managers), the death of a close friend and crippling bouts of Impostor Syndrome.
It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you – always.
Oprah Winfrey
Why did I become a Coach?
In 2013 I was living the corporate dream. Then one day whilst preparing for an important meeting I felt a strange feeling come over my body. I felt that this was the moment everyone was going to find out that I was a fraud who had faked her way to the top. My anxiety shot through the roof and I had an extreme panic attack. After calming down a little at home, I realised this wasn’t the first time I had felt this way. I needed answers and after a few hours of researching I discovered that this feeling had a name, Imposter Syndrome.
From that moment on I became obsessed with learning everything I could about it. I was desperate to ‘cure’ myself, to stop this feeling and the proceeding thoughts. As I continued in my role I saw (and heard) about this feeling impacting so many women and I just knew I had to do more.
Then in 2017 my world was shaken when I lost my beautiful friend Lizzy to Cancer. The preciousness, fragility & deeply unfair parts of life were illuminated. Through my grief I realised that if I was ever going to follow my dream of becoming a Coach then the time was now. Because life is short and we only get one shot at it.
I felt that it was my duty to use my experiences (the good and the bad) to propel women forward by helping them build their Confidence and conquer their Imposter Syndrome. This is what has led me to you today.
The one thing I already know about you is that you are more capable than you think. And you are worthy of the success you desire.
We all just need a little help sometimes, a gentle push in the right direction. And that’s what I am here for.
A few fun facts:
- I love coffee – The smell, taste, and everything about coffee culture. To me having my coffee gives me ‘Zen’.
- My favourite place in the world is New York. I love the buzz! and visit regularly (pre covid)
- I live close to the ocean and I am a water baby! Just give me sun and saltwater and I am happy.
- I am sports mad! When I am not working, I am likely to be watching sport, playing sport, talking sport or checking sports scores.
- I am the proud parent to a fur baby – a chocolate Labradoodle named Beckham (yes after the footballer, see I told you I was sports mad). He is very spoilt.